Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Girl"..."Where the heck is your protein?"

Sitting down to dig into my huge delicious salad personal trainer and Pro Canadian sprinter Karin, comes up to me and says "Is that ALL your eating?". Confused I reply "yeah?" (hello Karin, this is a salad it's like the healthiest thing I can put in my body...isn't it?). Shaking her head in disgust she begins to reveal one of the secrets that has since changed my life (and metabolism) forever. "Girl" she says "Where the heck is your protein?"

This is a question I am now going to ask you. "Where the heck is your protein?"

Why does it even matter you might ask?

let's let Dr Joey Shulman author of The Last 15, answer that for us (she's the pro:)...

Protein is essential for overall health-for muscle repair, hormonal balance, immune system function and for weight loss. Protein also triggers the secretion of a hormone called glucagon (good guy) which opposes insulin's (bad guy) action and breaks down fat. In other words, the hormones glucagon and insulin are enemies and cannot stand being in the same room with each other! When one is present or us, the other chooses to be down and leaves the room.


In addition to protein's hormonal advantage of secreting glucagon and breaking down fat, it is also important to mention the thermic effect of food (TEF). The thermic effect of food refers to the calories you use up daily in digesting the food you eat (yes our digestive system is actually one of the larger calorie burners in our body). This is approximately 10% of all the calories you consume. When it comes to protein, around 25% to 30% of the calories derived from protein are used up in its metabolism. This is significantly higher when compared to 6% to 8% of every 100 calories of carbohydrates and just 2% to 3% of fat. In other words protein is harder to metabolize and therefore burns more calories. Research also shows that protein satieties you longer, creating a fuller feeling and causing you to eat less.

Remember when eating ask yourself "What is my protein source?"

Men you need 5 to 7 ounces of protein/meal
Ladies 4 to 6

*cut of your fingers and the palm of your hand or a deck of cards is 3 ounces.

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