Friday, October 2, 2009

The Fight

This morning for the first day in a while I awoke and felt depressed. Don't get me wrong I have fought this battle many times before, but for some reason I thought I was out of the woods. I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to read and do my daily devotions, I didn't want to eat healthy or exercise. Can anyone feel me on this one? It seemed like there was something at war with me, something that didn't want me to do anything that might make my situation better.

O.K so million dollar question....What did I do?

Eventually I got up, did some reading had a some what healthy breakfast
-Yogert, honey, oats
-Bran, rice milk, w too much brown sugar

Then I did it...what I really REALLY didn't want to do.

I ran. Some hills, some sprints, walked when I needed to and talked to and cheered on others who were also out and about on this blistery day.

Ask me if I feel better now?
Yes, yes I do. Not perfect, there is still "stuff" going on. But the positive thing is that I am not a lump on my bed feeling sorry for myself.

Why am I sharing all this with you?

In hopes that when you wakeup and are hit with one of these days, that you will take action, happen to life and get out there. It's a fight and sometimes you have to grit your teeth bear down and JUST DO IT. FIGHT.

Here's to a great day.
Peace and love.

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